Entrepreneur's Journey

There are many things that go on in the life of an entrepreneur. Taking the jump is not an easy task and it is full of risks and insecurities. So many things go on in your mind when you are going through the path of running your own business. Everything you see on tv makes you believe that being the owner and boss of your own company is all glitz and glamour. There are sacrifices to be made and feelings of doubt and not knowing what is going to happen next can certainly creep in at any time. The desire to be successful and to be free is what drives me. There is nothing more important to me in the world than to be able to push your limits and see just how far you can actually go. So many times in my life I have wanted to do something great to be recognized as someone of great value to the world. To bring value and change people's lives can be quite a lofty goal but it is something that I deeply desire. Everyday presents a new challenge and I am growing and you know that uncomfortable feeling you feel when you are going to present a speech or play that big game? I am feeling that daily and its because I have faith. I have faith that with all of the life lessons I have learned and continuously learn I will arrive at my goals of success and peace. Peace of mind knowing that everything that happened in my journey was the perfect thing to happen to me at the right time. A higher meaning is out there for me to achieve and it can be now or ten years from now I know I will achieve it.

Greg Marshall

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